Answers About The Bible. What is The Bible? Part 1.
All Scripture Is
Breathed Out by God and Profitable
January 4, 2004 by
John Piper
2 Timothy 3:14-4:4
But as for you,
continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing
from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been
acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise
for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed
out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be
competent, equipped for every good work. I charge you in the presence
of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead,
and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in
season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete
patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not
endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate
for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away
from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
Today, at the end of
prayer week, we focus on the preciousness and power of the Word of God,
the Bible. I will call you today to love the Word of God and meditate on
it every day this year and memorize it systematically.
There are at least
five reasons we link prayer and Scripture each year during prayer week.
Much of the Bible
is prayer (most of the Psalms, etc.).
The Bible is full
of commands and encouragements for us to pray (1 Thessalonians
We are told to
pray according to the will of God (1 John 5:14 ), and the Bible is
the revealed will of God.
The Word of God
cannot be truly desired (Psalm 119:36) or spiritually comprehended
(Psalm 119:18) or savingly spoken (2 Thessalonians 3:1) without the
work of the Holy Spirit, whom we ask for by prayer.
Being saturated
with the Word of God produces an effective prayer life: “If you
abide in me, and my words abide in you , ask whatever you
wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).
So we link prayer and
the Word at the beginning of each year in prayer week.
The Introduction of a
New Bible Translation: The ESV
What's unique about
this year is that we are introducing a new Bible translation, the
English Standard Version. On June 3 the Council of Elders unanimously
approved the following motion:
That we make the
English Standard Version the preaching Bible of Bethlehem Baptist
Church, and that we change our pew Bibles to the ESV when funds are
available, and that we create fighter verse material based on the ESV.
As of this Sunday that
is all done. What remains is to say why and then turn to the text for an
encouragement to give ourselves to the Word this year. The
full rationale that I presented to the Elders last June is online
for you to read at
So I will be very brief here on this issue. But here to set the stage,
here is the first paragraph of the paper:
I love the Bible the
way I love my eyes—not because my eyes are lovely, but because
without them I can't see what's lovely. Without the Bible I could not
see “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.” Without the
Bible I could not know “the unsearchable riches of Christ.”
Without the Bible I would not know that I am a great sinner and that
Christ is a great Savior. I love the Bible because it gives the wisdom
that leads to salvation, and shows me that this salvation is nothing
less than seeing and savoring the glory of Christ forever, and then
provides for me inexhaustible ways of seeing and knowing and enjoying
The privilege of
having God's Word in our own language is of incalculable worth. I would
rather have you read any translation of the Bible—no matter
how weak—than to have you read no translation of the Bible. If there
could be only one translation in English, I would rather it be my least
favorite than that there be none. God uses every version to bless people
and save people.
The Problem
Here is the problem we
have had for almost thirty years in the English speaking world. The New
International Version has become the most popular modern translation of
the Bible in the Evangelical Church . But the NIV is very much of a
paraphrase rather than a more literal translation. When I first read it
in 1975 I knew I could never teach or preach from it, because of how
much interpretation it does that I think the reader should do, not the
translator. I will illustrate in a moment.
There have been two
main alternatives to the NIV. One is the King James Version, which was
translated into 17 th century English and not suitable as a translation
into contemporary English. The other is the New American Standard Bible,
which we have used in this church for some 20 years. The problem with
the NASB is that, while being quite literal, it is not as readable as it
might be. In other words, we were forced for 30 years to choose between
the more readable, but less literal, NIV and the less readable, but more
literal, NASB.
We are no longer
limited to those two choices. The English Standard Version was published
two years ago and is far more literal than the NIV and far more readable
than the NASB. Not only is it a better balance, in my judgment, of
literalness and readability, but it has the advantage of being in the
lineage of the King James Version. Here's what I mean by lineage. The
King James Version was published in 1611. A revision was published in
1901 called the American Standard Version. Then in 1952 the King James
Version and the American Standard Version were revised and published as
the Revised Standard Version. It was a good translation, but with a few
liberal theological biases and some free-wheeling speculation in certain
Old Testament poetry.
This version went out
of print and was replaced in 1989 by the New Revised Standard Version.
For most Evangelicals the NRSV was so lopsided in its handling of gender
issues it never became a common version.
I am deeply thankful
to God that Crossway Books made the decision to call for a preservation
of the King James lineage by publishing a light revision of the Revised
Standard Version. That is what the ESV is. Here you will find the
cadences and much of the wording that you may have absorbed from the
King James even without reading the King James—just because its impact
on our culture for almost 500 years has been enormous.
Why the ESV Instead
of the NIV?
The key practical
question that should be asked is: Why not the NIV? So many people use
it. Children have been raised on it. Why encourage people to change?
Please know, that is all we are doing: encouraging. We do not require
anyone to change in the Bible you use for your own personal reading and
meditation and memorization. We hope that we can persuade you to move
over to the ESV and that over the next several years there can be enough
unity in this move as a church that we can do congregational recitations
and readings right from our own Bible.
So why is the ESV
better for us than the NIV? Now let me say again that the NIV is the
precious Word of God. Oh, how careful we must be not to belittle the
Word of God. And yet we must not put any human translation above
criticism. God has used the NIV to bring millions of people to faith in
Christ over the last 40 years. But its essential weakness is that the
translators do for the reader what they should be allowed to do for
themselves—they go well beyond necessary interpretation that is always
involved in translation, and make decisions for the reader that good
English does not require. Far too often the NIV replaces the ambiguity
of the original with the decision of the translator, not because good
English demands it, but because the philosophy of translation favors
translator-clarity over apostolic-ambiguity. In all the following cases
the ESV keeps the more literal translation and the NIV gives the
interpretation of the translator instead of the ambiguity of the
Romans 1:5 ( hupakoen
pisteos )
ESV the obedience of faith
NIV the obedience that comes from faith
Romans 3:20 ( ex
ergon nomou )
ESV By works of the law
NIV by observing the law
Romans 13:8 ( medeni
meden opheilete )
ESV Owe no one anything
NIV Let no debt remain outstanding
Hebrews 6:1 ( nekron
ergon )
ESV dead works
NIV acts that lead to death
James 2:12 ( nomou
eleutherias )
ESV the law of liberty
NIV the law that gives freedom
John 11:6 ( hos
oun ekousen ) This is not an ambiguity removed. It is a meaning
reversed, perhaps because the translation could not see what meaning
“therefore” could have.
ESV So, when he heard
NIV Yet when he heard
Romans 8:35-36 ( thanatoumetha
holen ten hemeran ) Again this is not a removal of ambiguity but
a softening of the original. But the effect is to play into the hands
of those who might argue: Christians only “face death” in
persecution and calamity. They can be spared if they have enough
faith. But the text says, “We are being killed.”
ESV we are being killed all the day long.
NIV we face death all day long.
Well, I am deeply
thankful that the ESV exists. I pray that it will become the primary
reading, preaching, teaching, memorizing Bible version of the English
speaking world. It would be a wonderful thing if there could be
glad-hearted common usage in local churches so that almost everyone is
using the same Bible. Whether that happens will be finally God's doing,
not ours.
There are hundreds of
them available to you, and the fighter verse packs are now available in
NIV and ESV. I hope you will consider the ESV for your family and for
2 Timothy 3:14—4:4
Now let's turn to 2
Timothy 3:14-4:4. My aim is to take a few minutes and stir you up to
love the Word of God more, and to set your face firmly to read it and
meditate on it and to memorize it this year.
There is so much that
we could benefit from in this text. We could talk about the enormous
seriousness of preaching the word (4:1-2). Or we could talk about the
dangers of preaching to please the itching ears of unspiritual people
(4:3-4). Or we could talk about the amazing wonder and blessing that all
Scripture is “breathed out by God” (3:16). But I want to focus in
closing on one thing: the wonderfully sufficient power of the Word of
God to equip us for every good work. Verses 16-17:
All Scripture is
breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God
may be competent, equipped for every good work .
How Does the Bible
Equip Us for Every Good Work?
That is a remarkable
phrase: “every good work”! Everything good that God expects us to
do, the Scriptures equip us to do. That is an amazing claim. How does it
work? How does the Bible equip us for “every good work”?
It's not by supplying
specific lists that cover all possible situations. Thinking that way
would be a mistake in two ways. It would be a mistake because there are
hundreds of specific situations we are in that the Bible does not
specifically address. There were no TVs, computers, cars, phones, birth
control pills, Prozac, genetic engineering, respirators, bullets, bombs
in Jesus' day. The Bible does not equip us for every good deed by
telling us the specific choice to make for every new situation.
The other reason it
would be a mistake to think that way is that it leads straight to
legalism—doing things because of outward conformity to a demand in the
hope that performance will win approval. That is not Christian morality.
Good works are done from a heart that treasures God and his help and
from a heart that loves to display the glory of Christ, else the “good
works” are not good, no matter how they conform to external
Here are two key
verses to show this. Romans 14:23, “Whatever does not proceed from
faith is sin.” And Romans 7:4, “My brothers, you also have died to
the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another,
to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear
fruit for God.” Bearing fruit in “every good work” (see Colossians
1:10 ) means that it comes out on the branches of your life naturally
from something that has changed inside. And what has changed is that you
are dead to the law as a set of lists to constrain from the outside, and
are now united to Jesus Christ in a relationship of joyful trust so that
when he speaks—even speaks some of that same law—it comes from
within as the desire of your heart.
So here's my answer to
how the Scripture equips us for “every good work.” The Scripture,
day after day, reveals to us the greatness and the beauty and the power
and the wisdom and the mercy of all that God is for us in Christ so that
by the power of the Spirit we find our joy in him, and the ways of sin
become distasteful—indeed ugly and repugnant. Yes the Bible gives us
many specifics as pointers how to live. But most deeply the way the
Bible equips us for every good work is by changing what we find
satisfaction in so that our obedience comes from within freely, not by
coercion from without. It does this when we read it and meditate on it
and memorize it and meditate over it every day.
An Illustration from
George Mueller
I close with an
illustration of this from George Mueller, who lived over 100 years ago
in England and was famous for caring for thousands of orphans and seeing
God answer his daily prayers for their provision. He gave this message
when he was 59 at a New Year's service. It is a powerful call to be in
the Word of God every day.
We have, through the
goodness of the Lord, been permitted to enter upon another year—and
the minds of many among us will no doubt be occupied with plans for
the future, and the various fears of our work and service for the
Lord. If our lives are spared we shall be engaged in those: the
welfare of our families, the prosperity of our business, our work and
service for Christ may be considered the most important matters to be
attended to; but according to my judgement the most important point to
be attended to is this: above all things see to it that your souls are
happy in the Lord. Other things may press upon you, the Lord's work
may even have urgent claims upon your attention, but I deliberately
repeat, it is of supreme and paramount importance that you should seek
above all things to have your souls truly happy in God Himself! Day by
day seek to make this the most important business of your life. This
has been my firm and settled condition for the last five and thirty
years. For the first four years after my conversion I knew not its
vast importance, but now after much experience I specially commend
this point to the notice of my younger brethren and sisters in Christ:
the secret of all true effectual service is joy in God, having
experimental acquaintance and fellowship with God Himself.
But in what way
shall we attain to this settled happiness of soul? How shall we learn
to enjoy God? How shall we obtain such an all-sufficient
soul-satisfying portion in him as shall enable us to let go the things
of this world as vain and worthless in comparison? I answer, This
happiness is to be obtained through the study of the Holy Scriptures.
God has therein revealed Himself unto us in the face of Jesus Christ.
In the Scriptures,
by the power of the Holy Ghost, He makes Himself known unto our souls.
. . . [Therefore] The very earliest portion of the day we can command
should be devoted to the meditation on Scriptures. Our souls should
feed upon the Word. . . . This intimate experimental acquaintance with
Him will make us truly happy. Nothing else will. . . . In God our
Father, and the blessed Jesus, our souls have a rich, divine,
imperishable, eternal treasure. Let us enter into practical possession
of these true riches; yea, let the remaining days of our earthily
pilgrimage be spent in an ever increasing, devoted, earnest
consecration of our souls to God. (George Mueller, A Narrative of
Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Mueller, Written by Himself
[Muskegon, Mich.: Dust and Ashes Publications, 2003], pp. 730-732)
Amen. May 2004 be a
year of faithful reading and meditation and memorization of the Word of
God. And may we find our souls happy in God. And may we be freed from
the selfish impulses of the world and live lives of radical, sacrificial
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